
5421 Mckenna Cresent, Regina, SK. S4W 0G2

Office Hours

Mon - Sat 5:00 Pm to 8:00 Pm



Frequently Asked Questions

Some answer for your's FAQ

about us
What is a Notary Public?

A Notary Public is someone who can sign passport documents, certify copies of original documents such as birth certificates, sign (and in some cases prepare) Statutory Declarations such as travel documents, as well as certify documents under The Homestead Act, 1989. They can also administer oaths of affidavits to be used in or out of Saskatchewan. Notarized documents sometimes require authentication of a signature.

Do I Need a Notary or a Lawyer?

Members of the Notary Public do not provide legal advice or counsel. However, a Notary Public can notarize a document that has already been prepared by a lawyer.

What can a Notary Public do?

A member of the Notary Public can: administer oaths; receive affirmations; receive declarations; and notarize contracts and other mercantile documents in Saskatchewan. The usual role of a Notary Public in Saskatchewan is to administer oaths and take and receive affidavits, affirmations and declarations. A Notary Public is also frequently called upon to make a notarial copy of a document for official purposes. In addition, a Notary Public is authorized by legislation of Saskatchewan or Canada to undertake other duties such as oaths. A Notary Public must ensure that a document has been fully completed prior to subscribing his or her signature or affixing his or her seal.

Notary Public Services

Travel documents Certifying copies of original documents Statutory Declarations Notarize forms Affidavits

What can a Commissioner for Oaths do?

A Commissioner for Oaths can: administer oaths to a person who is demonstrating the truth of a statement; administer and receive affirmations (can be used if a person objects to being sworn on the basis of religious belief and is as binding and effective as an oath); and receive declarations (a written account of truth). Documents that are typically commissioned by Commissioner for Oaths include: mortgage, divorce, estate, land transfer/title documents; real estate, insurance, loan, brokerage documents; contracts, surface lease agreements, proof of loss; sale documents; bond documents; insolvency documents; affidavit of service; and government documents.

Commissioner for Oaths Services

Acting as Commissioner for Taking Affidavits Administering Oaths and Affirmations Administering Solemn Declarations Affidavit for a Lost Cheque (Oath Administered) Affidavit of Execution (Oath Administered) Affidavit of Identity (Oath Administered) Affidavit of Service (Oath Administered) Affirmations Administered Commission of Forms & Declarations Commission of Licensing Applications Commission of Single Status Statutory Declaration Commission of Statutory Declarations Commissioner of Oaths Services